Well, here's a quick summary of what's going on in the Clayton household. We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary in May. We can't believe it's been 5 years already...time really flies! Pat is starting up a new job, as an insurance agent. He's glad to get out of the mortgage industry, and focus on something new. I enjoy staying home with the kids...it's the best job I could ever have. We now have 2 beautiful children. Kyler will turn 3 in October, and Tehya is 6 months old. We have so much fun with them, they are constantly making us laugh with their cute little personalities.
Kyler is very talented and intelligent. Pat's teaching him Spanish, and Kyler is catching on really quick! Pat and Kyler have full-blown conversations with each other. I only understand them about 50% of the time...but I'm learning slowly. Kyler has now memorized and can locate over 30 countries on the map. It's amazing how smart he is, we keep wondering where he got his brains from. He definitely got his energy from Pat. He's like the Energizer Bunny (just keeps going and going.) But he is full of life and brings so much joy to our family. He loves his little sister and is kissing/hugging her all day long. I have to keep a close eye on him at all times to make sure he's not smothering her to much. He's such a good big brother.
Tehya is growing so fast! We can't believe she is going on 7 months already. Her personality is really starting to show, and she is so much fun. She is such a beautiful and happy baby girl. She's constantly smiling, squealing and laughing at us. Her smile is very contagious, and uplifts our spirits. She's got the same energy that Kyler does. She rolls all over the living room, to get from one place to another. She's also learned how to do the "army crawl." Any day now, she will probably figure out the correct way to crawl (we're in trouble.) We are so happy to have her in our family, and we are very blessed to have such wonderful children.