Here are some fun pictures that we took over the last few months
A picture of the Clayton museum. They were closed so we couldn't go inside.
He knew exactly how to work it.
We also had fun roasting hot dogs over the campfire. Kyler's hot dog looks especially delicious!
Just hanging out by the campfire.
This was a nice little getaway for us...some other fun highlights of the trip were target shooting, soaking in the hot springs with snow falling down on us, eating the delicious home-cooked meals the May's prepared for us, and just enjoying a relaxing weekend.
Tehya is experiencing our silly Easter tradition of attaching the plastic eggs to our heads. I think she's wondering what kind of weirdos her parents are.
Kyler loves having eggs on his head AND in his mouth.
A couple "egg-heads."
A great family portrait.
Kyler even shared his Easter candy with Wall-E.
The kids enjoyed a fun Easter egg hunt at Grandma's house.
Tehya seemed to know exactly what to do...she found quite a few all by herself.
Tehya and cousin Mylee sharing their Easter goodies