Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Watermelon Fun

Today the kids enjoyed some delicious watermelon that came straight from Grandma and Grandpa's garden. Tehya LOVES watermelon, so I had to get some pictures of her chowing down. When she first saw the watermelon, she started panting like a little puppy...it was so cute. Here she is, waiting impatiently for a bite.

Here's Tehya gnawing away...it must feel good on her gums.

Proof that she loves it...

And of course, the funnest part of eating watermelon is playing in the mess. Here she's learning to fingerpaint in the watermelon juice.

Kyler also enjoyed eating the watermelon, but he wasn't quite as entertaining as Tehya.

1 comment:

Aubri said...

Man, those are some cute kids!